
Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Cybersmart Smart Relationship Comments.

I am here to talk to you about a smart relationship and quality comment. This blog will teach you how.

Positive Comments
How to have a positive comment? If you want to have a positive comment you can start off by thinking of helpful and useful compliments. You can compliment the writer in a specific and relating way. Positive comments can start off with a greeting and next you can compliment them or just give them a kind comment. In the beginning you can use these words in a sentence: "Wow", "It is", "That is amazing" or "Well done".

Next you can give some kind of suggestions that will not hurt their feelings. Positive comments are not comments that just say, "I like it" or "cool". A positive comment is all about using kind nice words. It is also good to add some academic words.

                                                   Information or facts in your comments.
How can you add information or facts in your comments? You can add these in your comments, if they are linked or relevant to the topic.


Monday, 30 April 2018

Reflection on Term 1 goals

My reading goal is to read every day at home with expression.

Achieved because I read every day and I used expression.

My writing goal is to use punctuation marks in my writing and to add more details also to write neatly.

Almost because I only used some of my goals.

My maths goal is to ask more questions on the mat and learn all my timetables.

Needs Work because I talk too much on the mat.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

How To Draw A Portrait


Someone to draw

I am going to draw a portrait and explain how to draw it.

First get a pencil and draw their head it might be an oval or not. I think that the head shape is more like an oval.
 Next draw a dotted line from the top of the oval to the bottom also draw another dotted line landscape the same way. If you do that it will be easy to draw your eyes,mouth,nose,eyebrows and ears. 

Then draw your eyes like a hill on top and under the dotted line 
and also leave a gap. It is Important you leave a gap or not put your eyes to far apart because it will look weird. 

After that draw your eyebrows and shade it in to add detail also eyelashes. Now draw your nose just draw to lines down and a little bump at the bottom also make it look realistic.

Finally draw your mouth like your eyes but big and lastly draw their hair and shade it in also add detail to it and thats how you draw a portrait.  

Thursday, 22 February 2018

About Me 2018

About me

Hello! Welcome, today I will be telling you about myself. If you want to know some facts about me read this and then you will get to know me better.

I am nine years old. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers I go to Ruapotaka school I am in room 10. I have an awesome teacher named Miss Misela and I am a year six.
Nearly my whole class are my best friends.
My hobbies or my favourite thing to do is to dance, sing and also talk a lot. I also love to play soccer it fun when you get a goal. I'm also very excited for the manaiakalani film festival. All of the school around here make a movie and it is shown at Sylvia Park Hoyts theater. When they turn off the light it's so dark, the presenters have the best seats right up the front. Every other students sit up at the back and support them.