I am here to talk to you about a smart relationship and quality comment. This blog will teach you how.
Positive Comments
How to have a positive comment? If you want to have a positive comment you can start off by thinking of helpful and useful compliments. You can compliment the writer in a specific and relating way. Positive comments can start off with a greeting and next you can compliment them or just give them a kind comment. In the beginning you can use these words in a sentence: "Wow", "It is", "That is amazing" or "Well done".Next you can give some kind of suggestions that will not hurt their feelings. Positive comments are not comments that just say, "I like it" or "cool". A positive comment is all about using kind nice words. It is also good to add some academic words.
Information or facts in your comments.
How can you add information or facts in your comments? You can add these in your comments, if they are linked or relevant to the topic.