The two trampers who went missing in bush north-west of Nelson say they spent nearly two weeks without food - and their only saving grace was water they had found.
An intensive search and rescue operation had been underway to find Dion Reynolds and Jessica O'Connor, who have been in Kahurangi National Park since May 8.
Dion Reynolds revealed that he had only realised the pair were walking in a loop around a Manuka forest after he recognised one of his own footprints in the mud.
"We went up the river for two days and made our first campsite, and pretty much the first thing that started going wrong is we ended up burning our socks, I burnt three out of the four socks that I'd had after the river crossing."
The next day as they carried on they realised they had made more progress than they expected to.
"We looked at our map and what we thought was the waterfall that we got to wasn't what we got to really. We decided to go up the hill and thought we'd cut across the track and carry on down towards the lake.
"We thought we were going to just carry on heading east up the hill in the same direction that we were, but obviously it wasn't."