
Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Report On Data

Room 10 did a survey about what they think about each subjects the subjects that we voted for were P.E AKA (Physical Education) Maths,writing,reading,art,music,inquiry and home learning. The most subject That had the most likes was P.E.

Monday, 5 November 2018

The Forgotten Village

The story begins in a village where not even the bats land their droppings in that village lived elves and gnomes, they lived a happy life in a forgotten village. Each year on a special day the sun shines bright amongst them and they can do anything while the sun is out but when the sun turns black it turns back to a dark life. Another year comes and the special time is near the elves and gnomes have been preparing for this day for months but when the day arrived the sun never shone a single bit. Later that evening the elves and gnomes noticed that some of their people were starting to disappear. The next day the elves and gnomes gathered around the oak tree they knew something had to be done so they came to father elf and mother gnome so father elf  searched in the library and found out where to go to find a way to solve the problem. In the clouds high in the air fly high with the doves and you will find the keeper of the potions so the elves and the gnomes were on a journey to find the keeper of the potions to find out where the sun is and where their people are. Finally the elves had found the keeper of the potions her house was extremely big and looked like it was abonded. They knocked on the door and she answered it and said greetings little creatures. What are your names we replied with elves and gnomes at your service but she just laughed and said elves and gnomes how ridiculous hahaha that can’t be true I mean elves and gnomes come on. Would anyone want tea she said so she made us tea inside her house her hallway was full of boxes her bathroom were filled with clothes and her kitchen was full of animals oh and her dreadful living room it was full of rubbish. We sat down and drank our tea she liked it we all spat it out because it was so cold the tea. She says she drinks cold drinks and eats cold food and never turns on the light because she hasn't paid her electricity in a years. So she asked why have you come we told her that the people have started disappearing our village and that the sun never came on our special day but she just said where is your village we said below and she said below are you from that dark village and we said yes and she just said oh no that village doesn't even exist. Help us please we’ll do anything to make you help us well if you want my help you will be my slave what your salve yes that is the only way and  if you don't take my help you will all be forgotten. So we agreed and she said good now go and get me the ingredients to bring back your people these are the ingredients mud,frogs that croak,mushrooms and sand dust. So the gnomes and elves were on a journey but back at the village more and more people were disappearing. The gnomes and elves spread out the elves had to get mushrooms and frogs that croak the gnomes had to get mud and sand dust. We came back and gave it to the keeper of the positions and she put the ingredient in one by one. When it was ready she said right go and sprinkle it everywhere in your outside they came back but the keeper of the position took them back to the village she came back and said go and get the last ingredients and she said go and get milk from the cow wool from the sheep and a squeeze of lemon juice. They used the same stradey again the elves milk the cow and the gnomes get wool form the sheep and lemon juice. We brought it back to the keeper of the position and she put the ingredients in one by one. When it was ready she threw it high in the air and the sun came back and we all cheered and said yay we're going home but the keeper of the positions said no one's going home because we made a deal get all of your buddies make the sun come back and then your mine so because you tried to leave you are all my slave so go home and get your buddies and come here if you don’t come back by midnight I will turn you into a ghost and she blew them away. The elves and gnomes got back and reunited with their village and they even hosted a party but after the party they did not return and when the clock turned to midnight the keeper of the positions appeared and turned into a witch she came down and squeezed her hand and just as she stopped the elves and gnomes were ghost the witch returned back home with her ghost. The next day the with found a terrible discovery that humans were born and that they were moving into her town that they she ordered her ghost to go back and get every single elf and gnome there is when that happend she turned them into ghost. Her town was not lonely anymore she saw humans and one day when they elected their mayor the witch came out and squeezed her hand until boom the mayor and the royals turned into sand. The witch saw all the people scream and cry she tried to turn them into statues but suddenly her powers were not working anymore then she suddenly started to feel weird until one day the humans all gathered round her because she was sick she spent her last days watching horror movies and eat brains and drinking blood then one night she passed away. The witch passed away and a week later her ghost turned into human skeletons and was sent to the second life and the humans now have a special time in year called elma where the skeletons come back and visit them now the humans believe that when they die they will meet the skeletons in the second life.