
Thursday, 25 October 2018


We are learning about hauora it is about Taha tinana Physical well-being Taha hinengaro Mental and emotional well-being Taha whanau Social well-being and lastly Taha wairua Spiritual well-being. We are making a collage about hauora it is going to be about all teh well-beings that I have mentioned

My Life In The Digital World

My life in the digital world, this is my life in the digital world it has all the apps or objects I go on. Some of these apps give you positive information and some gives you negative information that is why sometimes the digital world has good information and sometimes bad.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Term 4 Goals

Reflections On Term 3 goals

I have achieved my reading goal
I have not achieved my writing goal because I still haven't improved on writing neatly.
I have not achieved math goal because I did not learn my timetables.